It's Comic Knowledge

Today we unveil a new segment we at The Pantheon Inc will be doing. Our new video on YouTube allows you to ask us questions you may have about comics, but have been afraid of ridicule from some of the more "hardcore" fans. Maybe you looked online about an interesting character, but some sites bombarded you with to much info to take in or how useless he/she/it is. Not us. Have a question about a C list hero that made a random appearance in one of your comics, we will answer. We'll do a video dedicated to the character and give you the cliff notes, highlights and appearances. We will not be condescending if you do not know. We want to help bring forth more fans into the comic fold, not shun them. For some it's new to them, but for us... It's Comic Knowledge.

Be sure to like and subscribe to our videos. The Pantheon Inc