by Frankie Rodriguez
Valentine's Day. A time for love. A time for romance. A time where lovers come together and celebrate their love. Yet, amore is quite different in the world of comics. Love in comics can lead to so many different things . . . like you & your loved one being cloned for sick fantasies, you having to fight your signficant other cause they are too corrupted by the power they control or completely ignoring your detective skills to sleep with someone who looks just like your fiancee but is in fact a shape shifter from the future who claims that s/he will be your future lover.
A yes. Love in Comics. And as we continue to walk down the path of martial (or dating) bliss; we are gonna look out for the stand out couples in comics; the couples that do so much for the comic book industry . . . whether they know it or not.; These are the couples that stand out, make marks and keep you coming back for more, or wanting more or want them to break up so badly that you relish every issue hoping for the relationship's ultimate demise.
A yes. Love in Comics. And as we continue to walk down the path of martial (or dating) bliss; we are gonna look out for the stand out couples in comics; the couples that do so much for the comic book industry . . . whether they know it or not.; These are the couples that stand out, make marks and keep you coming back for more, or wanting more or want them to break up so badly that you relish every issue hoping for the relationship's ultimate demise.
Welcome to my Top 20 Couples in Comics:

Donner & Blitzen were one of the first openly lesbian couples in super hero comics. Honestly, they might possibly be the very first. This couple was a great match; not just in powers : Donner was super strong blonde with muscles but still had boobs while Blitzen was a petite super speedster; but in personality as well. Donner had the masculine role inthe relationship for the most part but it was Blitzen's level head that really help leveled out Donner's more spastic nature.
Whenever in action, the two trusted each other enough to know the other could hand most of what they fought but still often checked on each other just to see that they were okay.
So why are they so low on my list? Unfortunately, while pioneers in their own right, they still only appeared in the Shadow Cabinet & Heroes comics from the now defuncted, but often remembered Milestone imprint from the 90s. They were last seen back with the Shadow Cabinet a few years ago when they took on the Justice League of America but that was pre New 52. We have yet to see them but be sure that their contribution won't soon be forgotten.
Whenever in action, the two trusted each other enough to know the other could hand most of what they fought but still often checked on each other just to see that they were okay.
So why are they so low on my list? Unfortunately, while pioneers in their own right, they still only appeared in the Shadow Cabinet & Heroes comics from the now defuncted, but often remembered Milestone imprint from the 90s. They were last seen back with the Shadow Cabinet a few years ago when they took on the Justice League of America but that was pre New 52. We have yet to see them but be sure that their contribution won't soon be forgotten.
# 19 - NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson)& STARFIRE
And if you want to say a couple that went through a lot .. . this is one of those couples. Dick and Kory have fought against Kory's evil sister, Blackfire. They had beaten Dick's stand-off ness after Jason Todd "died". They withstood Kory's FIRST arranged marriage where it looked like the couple was gonna be apart and never together again after Dick went after Kory to stop the wedding. There was even some unintentional infidelty that didn't stop the couple from walking down the Altar. Yet, Raven's evil side, which, at the time, came back from the dead to perform a lebsian liplock with Kory during their wedding and some on again off again points really dragged this couple around during the early 21st century.
The couple called it splits for good when Dick revealed that he no longer loved Kory like he used to and that his heart now belonged to Barbara Gordon. So, upset by this Kory left Earth and joined Vril Dox's R.E.B.E.L.S. where she ended up in the arms of the new Captain Comet.
So, yeah. Dick fell for someone else after all that. That is part of the reason why they are so low. The other reason. Remember that infidelty I mentioned last paragraph. How about that whole sleeping with a shape shifter? Yep. If you didn't know, Dick indeed cheated on Kory. Unintentionally of course but still. Dick's detective skills get turned to mush when the fact that after so many years with Kory ... he sleeps with Mirage, who was pretending to be Kory. So Dick Grayson . . . as long as you look like the woman he loves,he'll sleep with you. Way to go Grayson!

And let me be the first to say that you are all absolutely and completely insane for thinking so.
This relationship is one of dependency, murder and downright warped senses of love. Harley is ever devoted to Joker; who used to be her patient in Arkham. Yes. Let me point out that Harley was a psychologist in Arkham Asylum before she lost her mind to be the Joker's love slave. Joker admitting that he love her would be considered weakness in his eyes. A weak point people can use against him and that goes against Joker's organized chaos theory.
For why they are so low on the list, it is cause this relationship is beyond sick. That and we have yet to see a role reversal where Harley was the dominate one.
This is something of a rough spot for me for various reasons. I LOVE this couple. For as long as I been reading X-Men and read the classic stories by Chris Claremont, I knew that Piotr & Kitty Pryde were a match made in Heaven. There was great chemistry and we knew that they loved each other. And after so long of back and forth, feelings being re-examined over and over again; the 2 were finally together. Only to get torn apart . . . over & over again. Seriously, this couple has almost more start ups, stops and restarts than any other couple in comics except one.
Yet, for all the passion that these two have for each other; and boy there has been much of it over the decades, it is the fact that this couple went through so much to be together over and over again and yet some how they, more Piotr than Kitty, mess up that relationship. Fact: Piotr had joined the Acolytes which broke Kitty's heart . .. knowingly. Fact: Piotr tried to come back into Kitty's life when she was dating Pete Wisdom . . . only to have Kitty shut him down and remind him that he left her. Fact: Piotr commited suicide without so much as a goodbye to Kitty; (Sure, it was for a heroic reason and he did end up alive but still). Fact: Even though he knew that his little sister had come back as a manpulative witch who used everyone and nearly got the world destroyed for a vendetta, he chose her over Kitty; who had recently came back after being stuck for months on a giant bullet while saving the world & merely days ago regained her tangibilty.
"I know that you would die for me," Kitty said. " I need someone who will live for me." And that makes it the biggest problem in this romance. Piotr's sense of duty seems to over throw things that would ultimately be the right decision for him. This putting this couple down some. Yet, when you think about all this couple has accomplished over the years, you can't say that haven't left an impression on your mind or heart.
Yet, for all the passion that these two have for each other; and boy there has been much of it over the decades, it is the fact that this couple went through so much to be together over and over again and yet some how they, more Piotr than Kitty, mess up that relationship. Fact: Piotr had joined the Acolytes which broke Kitty's heart . .. knowingly. Fact: Piotr tried to come back into Kitty's life when she was dating Pete Wisdom . . . only to have Kitty shut him down and remind him that he left her. Fact: Piotr commited suicide without so much as a goodbye to Kitty; (Sure, it was for a heroic reason and he did end up alive but still). Fact: Even though he knew that his little sister had come back as a manpulative witch who used everyone and nearly got the world destroyed for a vendetta, he chose her over Kitty; who had recently came back after being stuck for months on a giant bullet while saving the world & merely days ago regained her tangibilty.
"I know that you would die for me," Kitty said. " I need someone who will live for me." And that makes it the biggest problem in this romance. Piotr's sense of duty seems to over throw things that would ultimately be the right decision for him. This putting this couple down some. Yet, when you think about all this couple has accomplished over the years, you can't say that haven't left an impression on your mind or heart.
Yes. These two. These two lovebirds have been through a whole lot. They have fought against some of the greatest villains known to man. They have fought to save the universe several times. And they have even fought each other . . . several times. Remember when we say that Colossus & Kitty were almost the most back and forth couple in comics? Well, these two top them but damn if it has not been entertaining to watch.

Yet, this is where the up and down begins. Oliver's strong beliefs and wanting to adventure with best bud Hal Jordon led him to turn his back on his first sidekick, Roy Harper (then Speedy, currently Arsenal) after finding Roy had become addicted to heroin. This split the couple as Dinah was the only person that stayed with Roy, helping the former sidekick kick the habit. The couple eventually reconciled but then there were other issues as we found that Queen was very much a man . . . as he cheated on Dinah . .. several times. Dinah ended up in the arms of Ra's Al Ghul for a time. Queen eventually died but later came back to life.
Now, Ollie and Dinah got back together, seemingly for good as the two got married and Dinah took on a surrogate mother role for not only Ollie's latest sidekick, Mia who became Speedy, but also for Ollie's biological son, Conner Hawke. Roy even took on the name of Red Arrow and joined the Justice League, thanks to coaxing from Dinah & Ollie stepping back to let his oldest "son" grow up. Yet, when Ollie & Dinah's granddaughter, Lian, was killed; this drew the final nail for the couple. Ollie kept secrets, even forming a separate team with Hal behind Dinah's back, who was chairman of the Justice League of America at the time. Then Ollie, in complete rage, killed Promethus. The two broke up; Dinah swearing that she was done.
That is why they are so low on the list. The reason why they beat out Colossus & Kitty was because before Lian died, Ollie and Dinah had seemingly got it right. They got to the altar. They fought impossible odds. Ollie & Dinah seemed to work so right, uniting a larger family with Roy, Conner, Mia & Lian. It is a shame too considering that Ollie couldn't let go of his need for vengence to help stablize his family situation.
I know. I know. I can hear the "Are you kidding me's" from here. Yes, I did indeed have Reed & Sue this low on the list. Now, hear me out before you start cursing my name. Reed and Sue Richards have become an institution. As of right now, they are the longest married couple in super hero comics: well, living couple.

With 2 children, the Future Foundation and the Fantastic Four, Sue & Reed have endured it all. Yet, with all this, this marriage has some serious flaws. And there are for both parties invovled. Sue has become a stronger woman over the last 2 decades but she has always had a strong connection with Namor. When Reed was presumed dead, Susan slowly but surely found her way into Namor's arms for comfort; and he was more than glad to give them. Even after Reed's return, Namor contiuned to flirt with Sue until the last couple of years. And Sue continued to allow the flirtations because of her attraction to him.
Then there is Reed. Reed, for all his intelligence, has a dunce cap when it comes to romance. While over the years, he has gotten better with that over time; Reed still loves his wife . .. and love science. Reed's feelings clash with Sue's over the years but when the super hero civil war came; Reed stood firm that registration and imprisoning fellow heroes was the right way to go; So much so that it drove Sue away to the point that she was almost ready to divorce her long time husband. Reed set himself up as Johnny sided with Sue and the Thing moved to France for a while.
That is why they get the low ranking. Otherwise, this couple is still strongly in love withe each other and continues to be together today.

Apollo and Midnighter have recently found each other (again) in the New DC 52. The two compliment each other well; Apollo seemingly the more reserved of the two; a bit more open about his feelings while Midnighter was more quiet, letting his action speak for him. The reason why this couple is so low on the list is cause there hasn't been much seen of them just being a couple. Sure we see them battle and flirt but otherwise, there hasn't been much in terms of their romantic development . . . until now. Apollo and Midnighter, apart of Stormwatch again in the New 52, are just starting out and we are getting to see their development first hand. Maybe as things go along this time around, we will really see the couple stand out. Till then, they are #15.

Vision and Wanda faced it all; till Vision went mad that one time and took over all the computers on the planet. He snapped out of that only later to be kidnapped by the government and dismantled in order to make sure he was no longer a threat. Wanda was also dealing with the fact that her children were not real at first . .. well, they actually were real and that is a whole other story for another day . . . and ultimately, they divorced.
Even when Vision got his emotions back, he did not go back to Wanda. Which was sad. Vision had come so far yet decided not to go back to a person who loved him. I am not getting into what happened next. Overall, This couple was just very odd but surprisingly good together.
Even when Vision got his emotions back, he did not go back to Wanda. Which was sad. Vision had come so far yet decided not to go back to a person who loved him. I am not getting into what happened next. Overall, This couple was just very odd but surprisingly good together.
I am just FULL of surprises aren't I? Why oh why did I put one of the greatest couples in comics down soooooooo low. Quite simple actually. But I will get to that in a minute. Allow me first to give you some background on this much beloved couple.

Which now I get into why they are #12. To put it quite simply . . . these two had issues. And not the typical couple issues or back and forth like other couples. No. This couple had some deep seeded issues. Like Mary Jane's need for attention at times leading her to either be a flirt to other men or demand more out of Peter when she knew it was a bad time. Or Peter not being as supportive of his wife's career at times when he should have been. And need I remind you their BIGGEST crimes . . . One More Day & One Moment In Time. Those two shining turds are two of the greatest reasons why this couple is in #12. The fact that Mary Jane essentially helps Peter make a deal with the Devil (Mephisto but I am of the mind of Linkara on this . .. he's the Devil) and later on shows how jealous she is that Peter gave up their marriage is complete and utter bull! The fact that she would tell Peter that being with him is like being a battered wife . . . okay, there was that one time a clone of Peter hit Mary Jane but seriously . .. it was a clone and Peter was not responsible for that.
And Peter .. . dear god. Peter's mommy issues trump the love of your life? Aunt May died before. Sure that was a clone but still! BULL! Aunt May had lived a very full life. And how do you decide to save her life? By making a deal with the devil and give up your long time marriage in order to do so. What kind of hokey crap is that? I am not heartless but for the love of God, you do not make a deal with the devil. And you don't compare a relationship you willing stayed with that long and compare it to being a battered wife when half the time you are cheering him on to be a hero. THIS is why they are #12.

Renee Montoya and Kate Kane came together, again it seems, during the events of 52; where Kate first became Batwoman and Renee ended up becoming the new Question. These femme fatales had a lot more of a certain something than most other couples . . . passion. Lots of passion. Kate and Renee had been lovers before off panel and found each other again during the events of 52. And that fire became an inferno during the subsquent years. Kate was a tough as nails ex-military turned vigilante. Renee was the more open yet somewhat resistant ex-cop turned vigilante. The two had an odd chemistry that just worked. Passionate about justice and what they do, the two found each other again and got together.
Unfortunately, the New 52 erased that and Kate is now dating long time Metropolis Detective but now Gotham Detective Maggie Sawyer. And why that relationship is hot in its own way,it was definitely not the complimentary and strong coupling of Kate & Renee. Ah, we shall remember you both well.

Arthur's son being murdered by Black Manta. To Mera dying to Arthur's own issues with his kingdom to Arthur's resurrection; Mera and Arthur seemed to have gone through a lot to be together.
And this relationship is not without its own set of problems (Mera admitted she never wanted to have a child to Arthur denoucing his throne) the two have been able to come back through it all.
The reason why they are #10 is that while the 2 have had their problems, they recently have been able to overcome many of them. They are in a part in their relationship where they know and accept each other but it is figuring out that next step; thus their low ranking.
Still, better their alternate reality selves still being together even though Arthur was engaged to Wonder Woman and Mera ends up dying which causes Aquaman to be one of the biggest mass murderers in history to their current New 52 status of them find their new way in life, you can believe that Aquaman and Mera are far from being a punchline.
Now,let's get with the part of the countdown where I make your brain hurt . . . badly. Carter Hall & Shiera Hall (or is it Katar Hol & Shayera Hol) or is it Carter Hall & Kendra Sanders? All these fall under the this particular number because of the fact that you are dealing with 2 heroes who have lived and died . .. over & over & over again. For the Love of Highfather's junk, these 2 have had more incarnations than Tommy Oliver changed suits in Power Rangers. Think about it?
Carter Hall & Shiera Hall fell in love back during World War 2. Or was it Ancient Egypt. Or was it Thanagar. The answer is .. . all of the above. The MUCH convoluted history of this romance spans not just time .. . but planets. The duo have been reborn and loved again over and over to the point where it could be a running gag.
Now, the strongest point about this particular relationship is that for the most part; the 2 are very dedicated to the other . . . when they are not together yet in there current incarnation. Sure Hawkgirl dated then Red Arrow Roy Harper while Hawkman was seeing Power Girl (pre New 52) but EVENTUALLY, Carter was able to be with Shiera again . .. twice. There was Shayera Hol, the Thangarian Hawkwoman and then their was Kendra Sanders, Hawkgirl. And while Hawkgirl tired to fight against fate, it ended up with broken hearts for Roy & Kara. Of course, her proclaimation of love came during Blackest Knight when she & Carter were getting slaughtered by one of the couples in my top 5. Yet, they found each other resurrected at the end of that particular storyline . .. well, Carter was resurrected . .. and so was Shiera. And for a minute, we thought they were gonna have a happily ever after . . . till Shiera died, AGAIN.
Since the new 52, we have seen Carter star in his own book again while no side of any incarnation of Shiera/Kendra. The fact that this couple is so on again off again due to death knocks them down a bit. Yet, this is a couple who spawned rebellions, survived dozens of lifetimes, great a super hero family on part with WWE's McMahon clan and really showed themselves as the loving yet kick butt couple in all of comics. This is a couple that is destined. Unfortuately, this couple is both destined to love each other . .. and destined to DIE.
Now, now Jean Grey fans. Before the Phoenix comes to eat me with my house, there are some things I want to point out about Scott Summers and his current love, Emma Frost. Emma Frost is somewhat similar to Jean and almost completely different at the same time. Jean was more girl next door or slight adventureous but level headed . .. till she was replaced by the Phoenix. And then she died. or it died. And she came back. And then she died and came back a few more times. But Jean was one of those people you always wanted to be around.
Scott went from being unsure of himself as a leader of a small group of mutants to being a full fledge monarchy to the mutant race, uniting them all together for a time after Scarlet Witch's spell left under 200 mutants left. As a recent issue of X-Men Legacy described Scott: there was a point where Scott wasn't sure if he was going to do the right thing to thinking that anything he does is right.
And let's face it folks: Cyclops has been a lot more successful and interesting with Emma than he was without her. And vice versa. Scott allowed Emma to be a bit more vunerable and actual let herself earn her right as an X-Man. Scott, in turn, did what neither Xavier or Magneto were ever capable of doing. And honestly, I doubt Scott would have gotten this far without Emma; which brings me as to why they are #8 and not higher.
Simply put . .. Scott is a major douche bag and his duty to oversee mutant kind has gotten soooo deep that he has neglected Emma. And she, in term, has allowed herself to flirt with Namor. Not as strong of a couple as they may seem huh?

Rictor and Shatterstar had become good friends back during their time together on X-Force. They grew so close that when Rictor wanted to leave in order ot take down his family's gun smuggling ring in Mexico, Shatterstar left with him. The 2 fell out of sight for some time till . .. after M-Day, a depowered Rictor had joined Jamie Madrox's X-Factor Investigations. He became the groups computer hacker.
Shatterstar . .. got a hair cut and showed up againt under the control of another being ... who was using a dupe of Jamie Madrox for a host. Yay. During that battle, Rictor and Strong Guy were able to free Shatterstar of the villain's control. And when that happened . .. Rictor was gifted with one heck of a lip lock from Shatterstar ... with Strong Guy somewhat shocked.
From that point, the 2 started a relationship that has gone through much over its short time: the dealing with the rest of their teammates reactions to them; including a returning and pregnant Wolfsbane going all bible lady on them about homosexuality is a sin and lying about the baby she was carrying; Rictor's frustration of his lack of powers til recently and Shatterstar's want to experiment . . . with everyone, no matter the sex.
What I enjoy about this couple is their autheticity of their emotions while dealing with their relationship and Shatterstar's coping to all the new feelings and sensations he admitted to never have before. This was all. new to him and that very conversation screamed out to many starting out in relationships . .. whethher gay, straight or bisexual. The couple feels very real because of roles in the relationship being discussed and Rictor's need for dominace.
The reason why this couple doesn't top the countdown goes to a few factors: One, the fact that Rictor seemed to redefine himself as the Alpha Male in the relationship once he's powers are returned to him is REALLY annoying; Shatterstar's need for experimentation is both a double edge sword as he and Rictor are just starting and he's ready to jump in the sack with anyone as long as Rictor is with him (while somewhat true is off putting) and finally, the fact that this couple has yet to really deal with their issues at hand. But I am sure Peter David, writer of X-Factor, will be dealing with all these soon enough.
I know. I know. This snuck on me too. I originally was not going to put them on this countdown at all. And Certainly not as high as they are. Yet, there is just something about that.
Before we get into things . . . all you Bruce/Talia fans . .. let's get some facts out on the table. First, Talia maybe the mother of Bruce's biological son, Damien Wayne and have shared a beautiful and wonderful time together. But let's make something perfectly clear . . . Talia does NOT love Bruce.
Why do I say that? Quite simply, I don't think Talia knows how to love. She had chance to reform but she decides to put on some major criminal activities even after multiple pleas from Bruce. While Selina . .. honestly, has limited to criminal activites, even stopping them completely at times to be a defender to people in her section of Gotham City. Selina and Bruce have a chemistry that is just so unmatched that it is scary. Selina says she doesn't completely get him .. . yet, there are parts of Batman & Bruce Wayne that she got better than Talia or any other of the dozens of women Bruce has wed.
Selina earns the distinction of being one of the few women that Bruce felt he could actually trust with not only his identity but the identity of his network, his home and even parts of him he never shared with anyone else. (Read Jeph Loeb's Hush to see what I mean). When Bruce was considered dead, Selina mourned Bruce like a woman who lost her life mate. When Bruce came back, Selina was with him at the start of his Batman Inc. venture. Oh, and in said Hush story, Bruce flat out chooses Selina over Talia . . . something the Dark Knight has, as far as recent history is concerned, has never done.
Selina has her fair share of issues. So does Bruce. Yet, the combination of sexual tension, unspoken feelings and thrill of their careers as masked heroes just magnifies their attraction more than nearly any other couple on this list. And while the New 52 has seemingly erased some of Bruce's & Selina's history together (mostly that she knows he's Bruce) but the chemistry and the feelings are still very much there.
Unfortunately . . . these are 2 people certain that they can't live normal lives. Bruce is far too controlling while Selina wants to hold on to her independence more than her own life at times. This is not a couple that sees themselves settling down. Yet, in an odd way, that is what makes them work so well.
Okay. This couple are pure fun to watch. Brian Michael Bendis is one of the most prolific writers. And I have to say, the fact that he built their relationship with nearly a decade worth of stories . . . from Alias to currently New Avengers, this couple has taken over the stop as THE AVENGERS COUPLE. More than Hank Pym & Janet Van Dyke. More than Scarlet Witch & Vision. More than Quicksilver & Crystal.
Luke Cage is a stubborn yet very just and caring man who wants to do right and make sure justice is served. Jessica Jones-Cage is a woman who wants to help yet used to keep up walls. Yet, as time passed, those walls began to fall down. Cage became less uptight about what he wanted and what he stood for. Luke became an Avenger while Jessica reconnected with old friends Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew, forming the current divas of the Avengers. This couple found each other before the Civil War, as they were making their way. Since coming together, they not only found their way to each other but accomplished so much: Luke Cage is now LEADING the New Avengers; they got married; they became parents to little Danielle Jones-Cage (points if you can guess who their daughter is named after) they BOUGHT & OWN the AVENGERS MANSION . . . for a $1. This couple have accomplished so much for themselves individually and together since getting together that it is just hard not to think of them together anymore.
For all this, why are they only # 5. Marriage seems to be just as much of an adventure as they're coming together was. And while they were apart for a short time during Osborn's time as THE # 1 COP, this couple has gotten things right. Yet, as parents, they are still learning and Jessica is very much worried about their daughter. Luke & Jessica need to get an idea of what they are gonna do together as they raise their daughter but I hope we see the Cages amongst the Avengers for a long time to come. Plus, points for hiring Squirrel Girl as a Nanny for Danielle and for convincing Daredevil to join the New Avengers.
Lois & Clark have had one great adventure over the years to the point where they finally got married. Then they finally got married . . . after Clark died then came back to life; Lois having doubts after seeing Clark giving a goodbye kiss to former lover Lori Lemaris; Clark having to abandon his civilian identity for a time then losing his powers; They FINALLY got married.
Lois is an adventures, strong woman who was never gonna be easy to wed. But Superman was about to allow Lois be vulnerable for him while he was vulnerable for her. The two found that they were the one, true love for the other and there was NO denying it. No matter how many women and men tried to break up this couple . . . which I believe they hold the most potential love breakers than any other in the history of comics . . . the two not only endured, but thrived.
After they got married, they worked at their relationship to the point that most heroes who knew Superman was Clark Kent knew Lois personally. Lois Lane became a fixture in many heroes life as Mrs. Superman while Clark learned to be Mr. Lois Lane. And it worked more than they ever thought. Even following in the Kent's foot steps in adopting their own Kryptonian, Lois became Super-Mom to Chris Kent. This couple was Magic.
Yet, with all that, this couple did 3 things wrong: First, they took FAR too long actually getting together as a romantic couple. The Romantic couple was nearly 60 years in the making. Nearly 60 years till they actually got married. Sure there was the whole time they were together in the silver age but that got retconned . . Second, the fact that it took them so long to actually get married. I understand that having their marriage be a big thing was smart but for the love . . . nearly a decade after they got engaged, they married. NEARLY A DECADE!! Finally . . . the New 52 erased this relationship and Lois is back to being her spunky single self while Clark is . . . more awkward than ever. YAY. Thank you for getting rid of one of my favorite couples.
This was not just a union of 2 characters: it was the living representation of a dream, character status elevation & one of the most natural unions in comics. Black Panther, the genius king of the tech savy and naturally beautiful country of Wakanda being united with Storm, the formerly worshipped weather goddess and long time X-Man. Ororo & T'Challa had a fabled love story that dated back to the times they were children. They're young love never wavered over the years. It was seen little by little over the years. At the turn of the century, Ororo & T'Challa began their ultimate destiny as one of the most visible and most beloved couples in comic book history.
And as they finally got together and got married, fans rejoiced. Fans were happy to find the two finding each other. For a mutant had married a human and had become not just a representation of African-Americans but also the living symbol of mutant/human coexistence. For God's sake, Storm's wedding dress was designed by a soap star fashion coordinator.
And when they became a couple, they showed the world that not only were they strong as a couple but they were strong as a nation. Wakanda had a King & Queen that was unmatched in their countries history. Unfortunately, enemies had hurt their country and the King & Queen's honeymoon was over. Storm decided to work with the X-Men while T'Challa decided he needed to help the people of Hell's Kitchen in order to redeem himself. That is the main reason why this couple is # 3 . . . they are married but not together. Yet, with Storm joining the Avengers, I am sure we will see more of T'Challa & Ororo together soon. Oh . . . and just as a warning: Ben Grimm wanted me to tell everyone that do NOT ever say the following things; 1 - Storm is NOT wearing contacts and 2 - SHE IS NOT WEARING A WEAVE! That's her real hair.
From one set of royalty to another; this King & Queen are truly connected. Black Bolt and Medusa have long reigned on the throne of the Inhumans . . . and recently, the Kree Empire with an iron fist. The couple has faced invaders like Apocalypse to the dangers of Maximus to War with the Shi'ar Empire.
Through the years, Medusa was always the voice of Black Bolt. The Queen was never one to fool around with things and Black Bolt merely gesture to his wife and she would tell everyone what he felt without question. Their love culminated with the birth of their son and they stayed strong. They did it all together . . .
Almost everything.
Black Bolt spent years with Medusa so she knows him well. Which makes the fact that the Skull that disguised himself as Black Bolt for a time fooling Medusa seem sad. It's Dick & Kory all over again. What was even uglier is the fact that Black Bolt kept the fact that he was hiding one of the Infinity Gems (gems so powerful that they can control time, space & creation itself) from everyone but the Marvel Illuminati was such a blow to the Queen. This while he was supposedly dead. Yet, even with these faults, the fact that Medusa was about to carry on and forgive her husband and the two are strong than ever are why they are # 2.
That is right. Any person who's collected comics know how hard it was when Brad Meltzer's Identity Crisis ending the long running union with the brutal death of Sue Digby which opened up some many other stories. The fact that her death was still referred over and over again throughout the years in DC Comics till the recent DC Relaunch makes it that much more important to the overall community within DC Comics. The heart breaking death of Sue had comic book fans weeping and comic book heroes wallowing in despair.
Fans of the couple know that they were identified as Ralph & Sue or Elongated Man & his wife. The stretchy hero and his wife had fought odd after odd after odd to be together. They faced Sonar several times, who was obsessed with Sue to finally take down the sound manipulating villain. They survived Ralph's time with the Justice League in several incarnations. They overcame Sue's brutal rape from Dr. Light. This couple has truly endured.
Fans and super heroes were so taken by the likable couple that they were always a favorite. When Ralph helped formed Justice League Europe, Sue came with him and eventually the Liasion to the team. Sue is the first woman to ever Earn Honorary League Member status. No other super wife had achieved that. Not Lois. Not Ellen Baker. Just Sue Digby.
The couple has seen it all. When Sue died, Ralph fell apart till he became determined to find the mastermind behind the death of his wife and ultimately dies; joining his wife in death. Unfortunately, the last image of them is their brutal murder of our #9. Yet, it shows in death . . . they had love. Always being together. Always trusting each other. Always knowing each other.
We miss you both and thank you Ralph & Sue.
And that is my Top 20 Couple in Comics. Feel free to disagree or agree and leave comments below. Thank you all for reading this and will see you next time.
I know. I know. This snuck on me too. I originally was not going to put them on this countdown at all. And Certainly not as high as they are. Yet, there is just something about that.
Before we get into things . . . all you Bruce/Talia fans . .. let's get some facts out on the table. First, Talia maybe the mother of Bruce's biological son, Damien Wayne and have shared a beautiful and wonderful time together. But let's make something perfectly clear . . . Talia does NOT love Bruce.
Why do I say that? Quite simply, I don't think Talia knows how to love. She had chance to reform but she decides to put on some major criminal activities even after multiple pleas from Bruce. While Selina . .. honestly, has limited to criminal activites, even stopping them completely at times to be a defender to people in her section of Gotham City. Selina and Bruce have a chemistry that is just so unmatched that it is scary. Selina says she doesn't completely get him .. . yet, there are parts of Batman & Bruce Wayne that she got better than Talia or any other of the dozens of women Bruce has wed.
Selina earns the distinction of being one of the few women that Bruce felt he could actually trust with not only his identity but the identity of his network, his home and even parts of him he never shared with anyone else. (Read Jeph Loeb's Hush to see what I mean). When Bruce was considered dead, Selina mourned Bruce like a woman who lost her life mate. When Bruce came back, Selina was with him at the start of his Batman Inc. venture. Oh, and in said Hush story, Bruce flat out chooses Selina over Talia . . . something the Dark Knight has, as far as recent history is concerned, has never done.
Selina has her fair share of issues. So does Bruce. Yet, the combination of sexual tension, unspoken feelings and thrill of their careers as masked heroes just magnifies their attraction more than nearly any other couple on this list. And while the New 52 has seemingly erased some of Bruce's & Selina's history together (mostly that she knows he's Bruce) but the chemistry and the feelings are still very much there.
Unfortunately . . . these are 2 people certain that they can't live normal lives. Bruce is far too controlling while Selina wants to hold on to her independence more than her own life at times. This is not a couple that sees themselves settling down. Yet, in an odd way, that is what makes them work so well.

Luke Cage is a stubborn yet very just and caring man who wants to do right and make sure justice is served. Jessica Jones-Cage is a woman who wants to help yet used to keep up walls. Yet, as time passed, those walls began to fall down. Cage became less uptight about what he wanted and what he stood for. Luke became an Avenger while Jessica reconnected with old friends Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew, forming the current divas of the Avengers. This couple found each other before the Civil War, as they were making their way. Since coming together, they not only found their way to each other but accomplished so much: Luke Cage is now LEADING the New Avengers; they got married; they became parents to little Danielle Jones-Cage (points if you can guess who their daughter is named after) they BOUGHT & OWN the AVENGERS MANSION . . . for a $1. This couple have accomplished so much for themselves individually and together since getting together that it is just hard not to think of them together anymore.
For all this, why are they only # 5. Marriage seems to be just as much of an adventure as they're coming together was. And while they were apart for a short time during Osborn's time as THE # 1 COP, this couple has gotten things right. Yet, as parents, they are still learning and Jessica is very much worried about their daughter. Luke & Jessica need to get an idea of what they are gonna do together as they raise their daughter but I hope we see the Cages amongst the Avengers for a long time to come. Plus, points for hiring Squirrel Girl as a Nanny for Danielle and for convincing Daredevil to join the New Avengers.

Lois is an adventures, strong woman who was never gonna be easy to wed. But Superman was about to allow Lois be vulnerable for him while he was vulnerable for her. The two found that they were the one, true love for the other and there was NO denying it. No matter how many women and men tried to break up this couple . . . which I believe they hold the most potential love breakers than any other in the history of comics . . . the two not only endured, but thrived.
After they got married, they worked at their relationship to the point that most heroes who knew Superman was Clark Kent knew Lois personally. Lois Lane became a fixture in many heroes life as Mrs. Superman while Clark learned to be Mr. Lois Lane. And it worked more than they ever thought. Even following in the Kent's foot steps in adopting their own Kryptonian, Lois became Super-Mom to Chris Kent. This couple was Magic.
Yet, with all that, this couple did 3 things wrong: First, they took FAR too long actually getting together as a romantic couple. The Romantic couple was nearly 60 years in the making. Nearly 60 years till they actually got married. Sure there was the whole time they were together in the silver age but that got retconned . . Second, the fact that it took them so long to actually get married. I understand that having their marriage be a big thing was smart but for the love . . . nearly a decade after they got engaged, they married. NEARLY A DECADE!! Finally . . . the New 52 erased this relationship and Lois is back to being her spunky single self while Clark is . . . more awkward than ever. YAY. Thank you for getting rid of one of my favorite couples.
This was not just a union of 2 characters: it was the living representation of a dream, character status elevation & one of the most natural unions in comics. Black Panther, the genius king of the tech savy and naturally beautiful country of Wakanda being united with Storm, the formerly worshipped weather goddess and long time X-Man. Ororo & T'Challa had a fabled love story that dated back to the times they were children. They're young love never wavered over the years. It was seen little by little over the years. At the turn of the century, Ororo & T'Challa began their ultimate destiny as one of the most visible and most beloved couples in comic book history.
And as they finally got together and got married, fans rejoiced. Fans were happy to find the two finding each other. For a mutant had married a human and had become not just a representation of African-Americans but also the living symbol of mutant/human coexistence. For God's sake, Storm's wedding dress was designed by a soap star fashion coordinator.
And when they became a couple, they showed the world that not only were they strong as a couple but they were strong as a nation. Wakanda had a King & Queen that was unmatched in their countries history. Unfortunately, enemies had hurt their country and the King & Queen's honeymoon was over. Storm decided to work with the X-Men while T'Challa decided he needed to help the people of Hell's Kitchen in order to redeem himself. That is the main reason why this couple is # 3 . . . they are married but not together. Yet, with Storm joining the Avengers, I am sure we will see more of T'Challa & Ororo together soon. Oh . . . and just as a warning: Ben Grimm wanted me to tell everyone that do NOT ever say the following things; 1 - Storm is NOT wearing contacts and 2 - SHE IS NOT WEARING A WEAVE! That's her real hair.

Through the years, Medusa was always the voice of Black Bolt. The Queen was never one to fool around with things and Black Bolt merely gesture to his wife and she would tell everyone what he felt without question. Their love culminated with the birth of their son and they stayed strong. They did it all together . . .
Almost everything.
Black Bolt spent years with Medusa so she knows him well. Which makes the fact that the Skull that disguised himself as Black Bolt for a time fooling Medusa seem sad. It's Dick & Kory all over again. What was even uglier is the fact that Black Bolt kept the fact that he was hiding one of the Infinity Gems (gems so powerful that they can control time, space & creation itself) from everyone but the Marvel Illuminati was such a blow to the Queen. This while he was supposedly dead. Yet, even with these faults, the fact that Medusa was about to carry on and forgive her husband and the two are strong than ever are why they are # 2.
That is right. Any person who's collected comics know how hard it was when Brad Meltzer's Identity Crisis ending the long running union with the brutal death of Sue Digby which opened up some many other stories. The fact that her death was still referred over and over again throughout the years in DC Comics till the recent DC Relaunch makes it that much more important to the overall community within DC Comics. The heart breaking death of Sue had comic book fans weeping and comic book heroes wallowing in despair.
Fans of the couple know that they were identified as Ralph & Sue or Elongated Man & his wife. The stretchy hero and his wife had fought odd after odd after odd to be together. They faced Sonar several times, who was obsessed with Sue to finally take down the sound manipulating villain. They survived Ralph's time with the Justice League in several incarnations. They overcame Sue's brutal rape from Dr. Light. This couple has truly endured.
Fans and super heroes were so taken by the likable couple that they were always a favorite. When Ralph helped formed Justice League Europe, Sue came with him and eventually the Liasion to the team. Sue is the first woman to ever Earn Honorary League Member status. No other super wife had achieved that. Not Lois. Not Ellen Baker. Just Sue Digby.
The couple has seen it all. When Sue died, Ralph fell apart till he became determined to find the mastermind behind the death of his wife and ultimately dies; joining his wife in death. Unfortunately, the last image of them is their brutal murder of our #9. Yet, it shows in death . . . they had love. Always being together. Always trusting each other. Always knowing each other.
We miss you both and thank you Ralph & Sue.
And that is my Top 20 Couple in Comics. Feel free to disagree or agree and leave comments below. Thank you all for reading this and will see you next time.