A Moment with Greatness,Stan Lee

As I sit here staring at my computer screen, I am trying to put together the words that best describe Stan Lee. But what can I say that hasn’t already been said? Don't worry I won't do a biography on him. I just want to say my piece about a man whose characters have entertain me as a child and reached out to me during my dark times. At 90 years of experience on this earth he has had an amazing career to say the least. He is a man who has inspired countless generations of artists and writers with his characters, personality and charisma. He has created a plethora of characters that we all enjoy and love. Yes, he was one half of the team that created the characters, his artists being the other, i.e. Jack Kirby, another legend I will enjoy writing about in another article dedicated to his greatness. For now I want to celebrate Stan Lee. Outside of the very characters he created, Stan is one of the most recognized people in comics throughout the world. This year thanks to my wife, I was able to have a photo op with him, get his autograph and attend his panel. He is a man who loves what he does and loves his fans. If he can sneak a conversation with a fan when his publicist isn't looking he will. He loves to answer questions from fans. The energy he has and exudes is exhilarating. I am truly honored that I was able to meet him, even if for a moment. My friend and partner Frank, of The Broken Infinite on the other hand, almost killed him! ( Actually almost just knocked him over) Check out his page for the story. Here is a few minutes of his panel at the Philadelphia Comic-Con this year. There is more uploaded on our  YouTube channel. Check us out and subscribe as we will be uploading original content! Til my next post!!